Module #2.3 Self-Care Journal Prompts

MODULE #2.1 Fire Up Your Power Center (Pilates Strengthening Exercises)! :)

In Module #1, you were learning how to incorporate time for your daily meditation practice.

The breath-work/meditation are preparation for moving meditation and physical exercise to keep the mind focused, calm, and alert as well as emotionally balanced and connected.

In this Module #2, you are now given more sequences to choose to practice from. Always come to your practice with an open heart and mind to whatever movement your mind , body, and spirit need IN THAT SPECIFIC MOMENT.

Before you start your sequences and after breath-work and meditation, Core strengthening helps to ground, center and stabilize for better balance and peace of mind.

You will be guided now to make more time for your yoga practice so that it may better serve you throughout your tasks and creative endeavors throughout your day.

Here are some great Pilates Core exercises to do before moving into sun salutations and more challenging yoga sequences and postures.

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