Module #2.1 Meditation and Breathwork Practice Part 2
Module #2.1 The Principle of Correspondence
("As above so below; as below so above")
Video #1:The Principle of Correspondence
(2nd Kemetic/Hermetic Principle/Axiom)
Journal Exercise and Vision Creator
In the previous module you were asked to reflect upon your view of yourself and your connection to The All is Mind, The Universe or the Most High.
In this module you are learning about the Principle of Correspondence and how it plays a role in your reality.
In this exercise of Module #2, you will be asked to review any unhealthy boundaries and/or relationships with others that you have experienced in the past and that may or may not be present right now.
This is slow, continuous, moving meditation ritual to clear and brighten your aura(energy field). Practice anytime you need a boundary boost or to clear static energy. Maximize its power by repeating for 28 days straight.
- Find yourself comfortable sitting in Sesh Pose 1(Crossed Legged) or Sesh Pose 2 (kneeling) and lengthen your spine. Soften and close your eyes.
- Starting Position: extend your arms out to the sides of your body and rotate the palms and forearms towards the sky gently touching the floor with your fingertips.
- Slowly Inhale: Begin to raise both arms up slowly out to the sides of your body and all the way up connecting palms over head with arms extended by ears, and shoulders relaxed.
- Slowly Exhale: Reverse palms facing outward as you lower the arms down and feel the bubble of protective life force energy surround you.
- Continue this repetition in coordination with your breath for 3-11 minutes. Visualize drawing light around yourself with your fingers and palms, "combing" your aura with love.
- Once done recite this mantra: "As within so without; I am balanced and protected all through out my journey. As above; so below"
- LASTLY: Write down past and/or current relationships you have experienced a lack of boundaries with or where you have been blocking yourself from positive, nourishing and uplifting relationships.
Here are some key factors to consider when writing about these relationships:
- Are you doing all the giving in the relationship? What are you giving away?
- Are you receiving in the relationship? Are you being taken for granted?
- What does "toxic relationships" mean to you?
- Identify that these relationships are toxic (or not)
- What is your game- plan to removing yourself from these toxic relationship/s so that you can further on your path to revitalizing from within and not be drained of energy any longer?
- Look to see if there is a healthy boundary that can be drawn so if interaction with these people has to still happen, there are healthy boundaries in place when interaction occurs.
Ask yourself: "Am I holding onto any shame, guilt,or resentment from the past?" Write about the feelings and then begin to use "I am Affirmations"
This is your first review of your vision!
You will review this throughout this course and hopefully beyond!
This is teaching you the power of manifestation (which is in the visualization piece of the Heal Thyself Guided Meditation)